Parking at Oakland International Airport (OAK)

Those visiting Oakland International Airport (OAK) in their personal vehicles require a designated space to halt these. For this, the Oakland Airport parking facility is made available. Catering to the needs of different passengers or visitors, this facility at this airport includes both long-term and short-term options.

Additionally, OAK offers more than one parking lot to accommodate numerous vehicles. Based on the departure terminal, one can halt one’s vehicle at the closest lot.

Parking at Oakland International Airport (OAK)

This guide will help one to understand the exact location of the different lots, the parking rates, and how to reserve a spot, among many other details.

Parking Details of Oakland International Airport (OAK)

Parking at Oakland Airport is divided into 2 main types – Long-term and Short-term. The location, availability, and rates vary for both. The lots that offer parking for the short and long term, along with their locations and charges, include:

Parking LotParking OptionLocationRates
PremierShort-term ParkingIn front of the terminals directlyFor 30 minutes – USD 4For 24 hours – USD 40
HourlyShort-term ParkingClosest to both terminalsFor 30 minutes – $2.50For 24 hours – $36
DailyLong-term Parking5-8 minute walk from both terminalsFor 30 minutes – USD 2.50 For 24 hours – USD 26
EconomyLong-term ParkingBessie Coleman Drive road near the terminalsFor 30 minutes – USD 2.50 For 24 hours – USD 18

Payment Method for OAK Airport Parking

The airport accepts a variety of payment options. For the submission of Oakland Airport parking rates, cards can be used. Additionally, mobile applications or online platforms can be preferred.

Certain preferable options to pay for airport parking fees are:

  • Cash
  • VISA
  • MasterCard
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • NFC Payments like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay
  • Diners Club points

Features of Parking at Oakland Airport

The four parking lots at OAK Airport are equipped with various features to extend convenience and comfort to fliers/visitors. One can select the option that is the most suitable after inspecting the Oakland Airport parking features.

Parking TypeFeatures
Premier ParkingFree electric charging points
Extra space for ADA and people with special needs
Hourly ParkingThe second closest lot to the terminals
Has call boxes that can be used 24/7
Daily ParkingThe presence of airport walkways to reach the parking lot
Availability of call boxes for 24/7 utilization
Economy ParkingLong-term parking at affordable prices
2 stations for the charging of electric vehicles at M1

Park and Call at OAK International Airport

Park and Call at OAK Airport is a waiting area that allows visitors to halt cars or other vehicles for 30 minutes. Commercial vehicles are not allowed to use this feature. Also, one does not have to pay any OAK Airport parking fees while waiting at this lot.

OAK Airport Parking Reservation

A traveler can pre-book parking at Oakland Airport on its main site. This site comprises the “Parking” option using which bookings can be made for slots. Simply fill in the necessary details to reserve a slot for a particular day and time. Confirm the reservation by paying the required fees.

Oakland International Airport (OAK) Parking Contact Details

To get in touch with the OAK airport parking agents, a visitor or traveler can dial the phone number 510-563-3200. These agents will help resolve parking queries or assist in booking a spot.

OAK Airport parking offers a variety of options so that almost every passenger can get access to the lots. Further, the fee charged is affordable, thus making parking at this airport more economical. The option to pre-book also helps fliers get some discounts.


What is Park and Call at Oakland Airport?

OAK Park and Call is a waiting area that allows visitors to wait for 30 minutes when picking up passengers.

How much is parking at Oakland Airport?

USD 2.50 to USD 40 is the fee for parking at this airport.

How much is Daily Parking at Oakland Airport?

The fee for daily parking at OAK Airport extends between USD 2.50 and USD 26.

How much is long-term parking at Oakland Airport?

Long-term parking at OAK can cost USD 26 or 18 for 24 hours.

How much is hourly parking at Oakland Airport?

OAK hourly parking costs USD 2.50 for 30 minutes.

How much is short-term parking at Oakland Airport?

You can access short-term parking at OAK Airport for USD 4 for a duration of 30 minutes.