Lost and Found at Will Rogers World Airport (OKC)

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OKC’s Lost and Found department is dedicated to reuniting travelers with their misplaced items. The Will Rogers Airport Lost and Found office is operated by various organizations, ensuring that passengers can retrieve personal items or others.

Additionally, It is important to inform the Lost and Found department about missing items and provide complete information. This guide will assist you with contact details according to the areas of OKC Airport where belongings can be lost.

Contact Details of Lost and Found Office of Will Rogers World Airport

Here is an OKC Airport Lost and found phone number and working hours of the department:

Location Where Item Can Be LostPhone NumberLocationWorking Hours
In or around the terminal buildingAirport Police: 405-297-1184OKC Airport Police Office24/7
At the security checkpointContact TSA: 405-702-5542TSA Office8 AM – 6 PM
On an aircraftContact the airline directlyN/AN/A
Car rental shuttle bus[email protected]
(add date, time, and description of lost item)
FirstGroup Office8 AM – 5 PM

With the help of a team of Will Rogers Airport Lost and Found Department, passengers reunite with their missing items.


What is the phone number of Will Rogers Airport’s Lost and Found?

If the item is lost in or near the terminal building contact the airport’s police at 405-297-1184. If the item is lost in security checkpoints contact TSA at 405-702-5542 to report the missing item.

What If the item is lost near OKC Airport car rental?

You can file a report of missing items at this email [email protected] (add date, time, and description of lost item).